Emilie was glad to be home, mainly because she loves her Daddy sooooo much (me too!)
Emilie pulled down the tree once, but I was able to save all the sentimental ornaments. We put unbreakable stuff on the bottom for Em, so if the tree looks a bit divided that's because it is.
Emilie must have been really good this year. Santa brought her so many fun toys!
Ooohhh! She was so excited!
Helping Dad
She loves her trike. We almost can't get her off it
Oh the doll stroller. Em has developed a love hate relationship with this darn thing. She loves the doll stroller she got, however she thinks it is for her to sit in. It is really funny because she is obviously too big for it but insists we push her around. If you put her dolls in it she gets mad and throws them out and cries until you put her in it and push her. She also tries to climb in herself and ends up tipping it over and getting hurt. We are probably just going save everyone the frustration and put it away for a bit.
The aftermath mess!
Her Christmas dress. Sadly this is the best picture we have so far, but are having professional photos taken soon and will hopefully get a smile.
I am really proud of my ham. I don't like pork so I never cook with it and was nervous to bake a ham for company. I made up my own glaze and it turned out really good, thankfully!
Nathan really will sleep anywhere...
We got to spend the day after Christmas in the ER! Emilie pulled the lampshade off our table lamp and it fell over and she got burned by the bulb. She had a few spots of second degree burns so we had to take her to get treated . We waited three hours to be seen, but the cream they gave for the burns is so incredible (Silvadene) it was totally worth it. This was two days post incident and it already looked so much better. We saw her pediatrician today and he said she won't have any scars so long as we keep using her cream and lots of sunblock for a few months. Luckily she hasn't seemed bothered at all by it except when it first happened. I am so thankful she isn't in pain and it was just a minor accident!
She is so prissy sometimes and loves to prance around with purses. I think mine is a bit too big and heavy though.
I left her playing in her room the other day and this is where I found her when I came back. She thinks it is so funny to crawl under her crib.
Love this baby! (And these bows, thanks Tracy!)