Wednesday, May 28, 2008

In Ohio!

We have made it to Ohio! Actually, we've been here for over a week, I just haven't posted anything because we have been busy busy girls! We had a blast in Texas. Emilie did well at the beach, but she loved the swimming pool. It was so great to see everyone, I just wish Tonya, Michael and Tyler (my brother Brian's wife and boys) had been there too. Next time for sure guys! Em has been such a sweetheart. She was teething the whole time we were in TX but she was really tolerant considering she was completely out of her routine. The trip to Ohio was a bit umm... entertaining. Since she was teething she had diarrhea, which isn't good for travel to say the least. Right as our plane out of Houston was boarding, I smelled buttery popcorn (which some baby poo smells like that!) I hurried to the bathroom to check the damage, and well, I ended up bathing her in the sink in the airport. Well sinks, the water was automatic and would get really hot after a few seconds, so I had to bounce around from sink to sink. I got some pretty weird looks, but some sympathetic ones too. Luckily I was armed with gallon sized Ziploc bags, disposable pre-soaped washcloths and plenty of clothes for both of us (thanks for the tips Mom!) but it still wasn't fun. Funny maybe, but not fun! I am just so glad she did it in the airport and not the airplane! Thank you soooo much Emilie. The ironic thing is the next day she was really constipated, and has been ever since, I guess that's just my luck! Anyhow, the rest of the trip was thankfully uneventful, and we have just been hanging out at my Moms and Nathan's parents. Ohio is so pretty and GREEN right now. I miss grass and green things, Arizona is red and not so grassy. It's nice to be "home" for a little while, but I really miss Nathan. For those who are worried about Mr. Call, he is doing fine. He and his XBOX are holding each other together quite well. Oh, I almost forgot! Emilie got her first tooth on Sunday! I am a little sad because her gummy smile is gone, but I have fallen in love with her little toothy grin. I keep trying to get a picture, but it's so tiny you can barely see it. It's the bottom front on the right, and the left one is following soon! She keeps rubbing her tongue on it and it's really cute. Okay, enough rambling, here's pictures!

This is a video of Emilie doing her "silent talking." My nephew Benjamin did the same thing. I love it!

Here's Em sleeping on the plane on the way to Texas. We were lucky and no one was in the seat next to us!

This cutie pie is my Niece Abbie (My little brother Josh's daughter.) She was supposed to be taking a nap, but she decided it would be more fun to pull all her clothes into the bed. She is so adorable!
Here's Abbie Cakes giving Emilie "mooches"

Emilie and Uncle Mark

Emilie and my Meemaw, her Great Grandmother

My nephew Michael (my sister Jenny's son) sleeping with his "light-saver"

Emilie and her Great Grandma Evans

At the beach!

Super Em and her Gamma. That's not really a cape, it's just her bib.

Roaring like a little monster.

Snuggling with Kaitlin and her bear before bed
Watching "Blues Clues" for the first time. She had to sit up and eat because she couldn't take her eyes off it!
Sitting pretty

I made these letters for Emilie's cousin Emmalyn (Nathan's little brother Ryan's daughter) for her first birthday. I made pink and green letters for Emilies wall, but didn't do polka-dots. I think these turned out super-cute, maybe even cuter than Emilie's. I hope Big Em likes them (well really Tracy, her Mom!) Happy first birthday cutie pie!


McCain Family said...

She is so cute. Isn't traveling with little ones fun? Where do you get those little bows that stick to her head? Zoe is still lacking in the hair department.

Holly said...

Well yea, I was excited for the post to come, I knew you would have lots of pictures to share. That story at the airport makes me laugh, I can just see you hopping around from sink to sink w/ little naked emily and people watching you. I cant believe how big she already looks. She is so adorable. Thats great you are having so much fun! Miss you! Good to hear Nathans doing great w/ his xbox too!

Jenn said...

At least she did it in the airport. I could only imagine trying to do that in the tiny bathroom on the plane. But all in all it sounds like you are having fun with family.

Anonymous said...

This is actually the first time I visited your blog! (Shame on me, i know.) I love the video and pictures! I'm a little sad I've no mention. "My totally prego, ready-to-pop friend came over and ate two cheeseburgers and then let me touch her belly and feel her baby move and kick. Probably kicking mommy for eating too many cheeseburgers.... etc." But that's okay. Talk to you soon!!