I have been neglecting my blog TERRIBLY lately, and for that I apologize! I only have a few minutes, but here are some pics and a video (it's kinda lame, I need to upload a bunch of stuff.) Summer is keeping us busy busy busy! My Mom bought a new house so we have been packing in our spare time. Anyhow, I promise to really update soon! In the meantime, Emilie now has six teeth, is pulling up on EVERYTHING and is completely attracted to danger. Oh, and gets cuter everyday!
Flash photography, anyone?
9 years ago
Ha ha Nathan has the same glow worm. SO cute. And don't worry about Emelie (sp?) being attracted to danger. It just gets worse as they get older. lol Good luck with that.
Well it is about time :) I have missed you tons! I am glad you guys are having a fun summer and you are able to spend time w/ family. I can not believe how much Emilie is growing!! She is so cute and looks like she is getting into everything!
Wait! Your mom is moving?! And you are helping her pack... so you are in town?! Please call me so I can see you!!!!
i love the picture of emilie in the doll stroller.
Glad you're back! I was wondering if you were gone for good, lol. Yes, little Em gets cuter with every new picture!!!
So pretty! I love those big round eyes!!
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