Monday, October 20, 2008

Emilie Emilie Emilie

I have seriously tried to come up with something other than Emilie to blog about, but I really can't think of anything in my life that 1) is in the least entertaining (aside from Emilie's antics anyhow) and 2) Everything in my life involves Missy Em, therefore I can't avoid talking about my turkey! I guess I am just in love with her cuteness, and I do have to post stuff for our families because we are so far away. Maybe this week I will do something other than play dates, clean, go to the commissary and such so I don't bore everyone to death (however, I find Emilie to be enough entertainment all on her own!)

I have started putting her hair in little piggie tails. It takes about 10 minutes for me to get her hair fixed, and about 1/10th of a second for her to pull it out. I have to watch her closely because she will eat whatever I put in her hair once she gets it out. Oh Em the things you do to drive your mother crazy!

It actually got cold here in Tucson last week! Okay, so maybe 40 degrees isn't exactly cold, but it was so nice to have a change. We went for a walk and Emilie had to bundle up, I'm so glad she finally got a chance to wear this coat, I love it!
Em is always trying to climb in the washer, so I thought I would satiate her curiosity and put her in it and show her she doesn't really want in there. I don't think my plan worked.

Nathan said that her hair in piggies makes her look like a little girl, not a baby :(

Nathan builds "forts" on the couch and Emilie has a blast in them. In the first picture she looks EXACTLY like me at her age. I wish I had a picture to show you how creepily we look alike.

Why the licking? Always with the licking Emilie!

This is NOT how she looks by the end of church.

Nathan called this Egyptian Slave Labor. I call it helping Mommy out. She just loves to push things around, and is incredibly strong so I let her push the laundry to the washer for me. I don't really give her chores I swear!

We are really starting to walk. I love her little Frankenstein walk.


Megan Gery said...

wow... she's such a good walker! and already helping with the laundry. lucky you. :)

Jenn said...

I love her hair. And the one of her licking the couch is hilarious! Oh the things kids do!

Just Me said...

How adorable. Can't wait to meet her sweetness. :)

Anonymous said...

miss you all!

Jess said...

Oh the first piggies... they are so cute. Addie wears her hair in piggies every day, i just can't get enough of it!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful beautiful little girl!