I know I am totally failing at staying off the computer, but I am stressed and feel like blogging so that is what I am doing! If you know me well you probably know I am a bit of a clean freak/germaphobe and am a bit paranoid about contagious illnesses. I think some higher power is either trying to ensure that I have a stress ulcer or cure me of my phobias. You see, in preparation for Nathan to deploy he has to get a bunch of random immunizations. I'm not such a big fan of regular immunizations to start, and I'm always skeptical when it comes to the military injecting Nathan with who knows what (I know I sound crazy but I have a few conspiracy theories. I don't trust the Air Force.) So when Nathan told me he was going to get his pre-deployment shots today I wasn't thrilled, but whatever he has to get them and really it's not that big of a deal. Then he brought home this crazy pamphlet about the smallpox vaccine he was just given and says something along the lines of "I have to spray the shower with bleach." Ummm... what? Apparently the smallpox vaccine contains a live virus (not actual smallpox but something like it) and the injection sight is VERY contagious for about 30 days. Also, all bodily fluids can be contaminated as well, which Nathan just so happens to have a cold right now. So basically Emilie and I are supposed to avoid contact with Nathan for the next month and he has been instructed to do the following crazy things:
1. Keep the injection site covered with a bandage at all times to minimize risk of spreading.
2. Dispose of bandages by placing them in a Ziploc bag and spray bandage with bleach
solution and discard bag where no children or pets can reach.
3. Keep all dirty laundry separate and in a sealed garbage bag. Wash in hot water and with
bleach if possible.
4. When showering cover injection site with waterproof bandage.
5. After showering, spray entire shower and tub surfaces with bleach solution. Don't cover
injection site with a bandage for at least two hours after showering (what about #1?)
6. Wash hands with soap or use hand sanitizer after touching injection site.
7. Do not swim until injection site has scabbed over and scab has completely fallen off.
8. Discard scab in plastic bag and dispose where children and pets cannot reach. (Those last
two really makes me want to throw up!!!)
9. Do not allow anyone else to handle contaminated bandages, laundry or bedding until scab is
completely gone.
Basically Nathan has the plague and everything he comes in contact with is going to spread it. Okay, not exactly, but I do kinda feel that way right now. It is rare that cross-contamination occurs, but we are a bit freaked out right now. The best part is that Nathan could have just asked to be immunized in Afghanistan, but alas, he did not. I just hope we survive the next month without any smallpox outbreaks or nervous breakdowns. I'm sure I will relax in a few days, but rest assured, my house will be extra sanitary for a while!