Friday, May 2, 2008

Lots O' Pictures!

Are you talking to me?

Are you stuck in there?

I don't know what we have been up to, but I have struggled with blogging lately. Come to think of it, I think I am struggling with everything! I have a list of things I have to do before we leave for Texas next week, but nothing is checked off! Normally I run errands once Nathan leaves for work and use Emilie's morning and afternoon naps to get everything done around the house, but things are all mixed up because of the measles right now. Don't worry, we don't have the measles, but there is a big outbreak in Tucson right now so I refuse to take Em out in public. I know it sounds paranoid, but I don't think it's worth the risk of her getting sick, especially right before vacation! I am so excited to see everyone, and for everyone to see Emilie. Poor Nathan. He will be all alone with his XBOX 360 for a month. Besides the lack of clean clothes and dinner, he might not notice we are gone. Just kidding, I know he will miss us, and we will miss him too. Not much else is happening in the Call home right now. Emilie just loves to roll around on the floor and lick all her toys. It is so fun to watch her learn and grow. I am so glad I get to stay home with her, it is by far the best job I could ever have. Okay, so here are some pictures of our new chair. It looks much better in person, or maybe it's just so cozy we don't notice the ugliness.

I love taking pictures of her standing up.

Here is a video of Em lightly rolling around. I use the term lightly because normally she isn't so contained and ends up in weird places.


Hi, my name is Emilie and I randomly get my hand stuck in toys and roll under furniture!

Both dolls and glow worms have such suckable faces!

This is Em's latest "trick." She makes her fishy face by sucking in her bottom lip. It is so cute!

Emilie quit taking her pacifier. I know most parents would love that, but not us. She REALLY has a high need for sucking, and feeding doesn't provide nearly enough on it's own. After a week of misery, I decided to buy every pacifier we hadn't already tried (she did this before at two months) before giving up hope. We finally found one she loves, for now. She is such a turkey. I have officially tried every pacifier I could find. As you can see I have a few extras, so if anyone needs a pacifier just let me know! (Note- I didn't force her to take a pacifier, I simply offered her choices to see if maybe she didn't like the feel of her old ones and it worked, I am not mean!)

This is how Em rides in the stroller. No matter how many times I move her to what I would think is a more cozy position, she ends up like this. She loves going for walks while sucking on the stroller with her arm hanging over the edge. She is so funny. We walk on the street because the sidewalk is to bumpy and it hurts her mouth. Good thing there is no traffic on base!

I love this baby immeasurably!


Just Me said...

LOL, I didn't buy quite as many pacifiers as you, but i did the same thing. He NEVER took a pacifier. Except for two weeks when he had an ear infection once.

Holly said...

I now name you pacifire queen! I cant believe how many pcifires you bought!! I laughed when I saw your fishy face, that is too cute! We just got a new chair too and its SO cozy, about the same color, I will have to post a picture sometime. Emilie is getting so big, I cant believe she is standing as well. Hopefully we can stop in on you guys when we head down to Texas in June! Miss yOU!

Holly said...

ok so I stated your fishy face and of course I meant emilies

Jenn said...

Emilie is so cute! She looks so much like you and you can tell just how much she loves her mom.

McCain Family said...

I love the pictures! The kids and I just got back from TX.

Tara D. said...

My goodness, you really did try every pacifier out there. lol Well, I'm glad she found one she liked. She's so sweet, and I definitely see a lot of you in her.