Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Cardiologist Visit

When Emilie was one month old, we discovered that her heart had a few mild abnormalities. She saw a pediatric cardiologist in Ohio when she was two months old and he said that everything would hopefully resolve itself by her first birthday. Today we finally had her one year visit with her cardiologist here in Tucson and, drum roll please... after 10 long months of waiting, I am so happy to say her heart is perfectly normal! I was pretty sure that everything was okay but it is incredibly comforting to know she is just fine. I am so glad to just have a normal baby! No more reflux, no torticollis, no PFO, no VSD, no RVH, no LVH (the last four are heart terms). Just a normal, very healthy beautiful child! I'm so happy I don't even care that the house is a wreck and I haven't started dinner yet or even who won the presidential election. Today is just a great day :)


jeggs said...

Congrats babe, I am really excited for you guys and the adorable Emilie!!! Seriously though you don't care about Osama???!?

Just Me said...

yeah! What a relief for you!

McCain Family said...

That is Great news!! Horray Emilie!

Jenn said...

That is such good news!!! I bet you feel like you have a ton of weight off your shoulders. It mist be so comforting to know that your little girl is just fine.

FOOD is MORE than... said...

Hey Kassie-
I am so sorry- I just noticed your comment you left on my blog- I don't know how I missed that! It is great to hear from you. Your little girl is UNBELIEVABLY adorable! I love her curly hair! And I can't believe she's 1! Really good news about the heart- that must have been so scary for you- how do you like Tucson and the military these days? Things are good here- the movers come in a few days and then we are visiting fam and then off to Germany for 3 yrs. We are very excited! Take care!

Andy and Rachael said...

What great news! You must be so happy! I can't believe she's a year old Kassie!!!! She's so cute!!