Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our Form of Child Abuse

Well, I have been trying to introduce peas to Emilie's palate, but I don't think they are going to be friends. I've read that it takes about ten tries of a new food before a baby begins to tolerate the taste, this is our fourth attempt and things are not improving. She loves to eat baby oatmeal, applesauce, sweet potatoes, and bananas. All sweet things, I know. Perhaps I will try again when she is older, I just feel too bad making her gag! Glue time (or cereal time, but it really makes great glue) is quickly becoming one of Em's favorite activites. Plus, we have introduced water from a cup to make things much messier, which adds to the fun! She is so cute with the cup. She starts breathing heavy and kinda laps at the water with her tongue. I don't think she swallows any of it, it all goes down her chest. She'll get it eventually, so in the meantime I am just enjoying watching her try. Nathan is working 3-11 (more like 2-1) right now which has been a little rough for us. He doesn't get a lunch/dinner break so at night it's just me and Em :( We miss our family time at night and can't wait to have it again. He should start a better schedule in a few months. At least that's what he's been told! In the meantime we are looking forward to out trip to Texas in May, followed by an Ohio visit! We can't wait to see everyone. Here is poor Emilie and the peas.

I ended up feeding her baby oatmeal mixed with apple juice. She made a big mess with the water, but had a blast. Here is Em after her dinner. If you look closely you can tell her onesie is totally soaked.

Good thing glue time is always followed with bathtime! Besides, what better dessert is there than some towel and fingers?

She is so much fun. Can you tell I enjoy her?

1 comment:

Apewad said...

Oh that is too flippin' funny! I didn't know babies knew how to gag! :)