Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sleepy Sleepy!

Emilie did NOT want to nap at all the other day. She took three 20 minute naps which is WAY less than normal. By the end of the day, things caught up with her, and here is the result.

Poor thing. I took her out of the highchair and was going to clean her up and put her to bed (yes, I was actually going to skip the daily bath, it would have been a miracle!) but she woke up. Miraculously here is Em 10 minutes later...

She loves to blow raspberries and suck on the corner of her highchair. I wish I had half the fun cleaning up her mess as she had making it! I really don't mind, it was really cute. Here are some pics at the end of her little party.

I thought she looked so cute all sleepy and swaddled the other day, I couldn't resist posting yet another picture of her sleeping. Yes, we still swaddle her, she would never sleep otherwise.

We love to hang out and have lazy mornings since Nathan doesn't work until later. She was so cute in her boppy and pj's here (our couch is really ugly, but it's clean, comfortable, and it was free!) Don't worry, we were right there to catch her if she fell.


Unknown said...

I love how she's falling asleep in her highchair. It reminds me of Mary's mom. We would go visit her in Columbus and we would sit around the dining room table, talking and eating M&M's, and she would start to head bob then fall asleep and we would wake her up with our laughter. She'd just smile, get up, and go to bed. Thanks for reminding me of that memory. Love you!

Tara D. said...

That is so precious! Love the pictures!!!

Andy and Rachael said...

Too cute!! Seriously, she is adorable!

When are you coming to Ohio to visit me, so we can introduce Abe and Emilie to each other? :)

Yvonne Kizerian said...
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Yvonne Kizerian said...

She looks like a cozy mummy all swaddled up in her cupcake blanket. :)