Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Emilie has found her little toes. She is constantly reaching for them, it's adorable! Here is the little roly-poly reaching for her feet. Again, she isn't dressed. I don't know why she is never dressed in pictures or videos. I swear I put clothes on the poor child!


Ignore all the weird noises, if you will, she usually laughs, but of course never in front of the camera. Here are a few pictures of her and her toes on the changing table, the greatest place ever!

Okay, so the last one I added because she looks cute. Then again, she always does. Have you noticed she loves to stick out her tongue? She rolls it and twists it and blows spit bubbles all the time, so goofy!

I just have to show everyone that I made something! I have started crocheting beads onto socks, sheerly out of cheapness. Kaitlin had socks like these when she was a baby that someone made as a gift. I looked online for some for Em, and they were like $7 a pair! For baby socks! Seriously!!! So, I said I would just make them myself, and I did! They turned out okay, I think I went a little overboard with the beads though! If you want to try and make some, let me know and I will email you instructions!


Tara D. said...

Oh my gosh Kassie! How cute is she!?! I didn't know you had a blog. Yay! I'll have to read it all now, which will give me something to do here at work. lol This is Tara, btw. Long lost friend from Corpus. :)

Unknown said...

She is a little roly-poly!! She is a cutie pie. She is a busy little girl. I love her little beaded socks too. They are very sweet. Love you, Mom

Holly said...

what a little cutie pie!!! i cant get over how chubby her little thighs are. she is just so adorable.