Friday, April 4, 2008

The Woes of Formula

We are trying Emilie on a hypoallergenic formula to see if it helps with her reflux. I'm not fond of regular formula in the first place, but this stuff is making me appreciate it more and more. Before our "trial" of this new stuff (Similac Alimentum) I thought regular formula was smelly and expensive. Ha! Alimentum is seriously twice the price and the smell, oh the smell. Alimentum is a hydrosolate, meaning the proteins are already broken down so babies with a milk protein allergy can digest it. I don't know how they "pre-digest" the stuff, from the way it smells, it must involve burning tar. Unfortunately we can't just use soy, which is smelly too, but compared to hydrosolate it's a bouquet of flowers. Babies who are intolerant to cows milk protein are intolerant to soy protein as well, which basically means we have run out of options. Emilie doesn't seem to mind the taste which is great, and really all that matters is that she is healthy and happy, which she is. We went to the doctor yesterday (just a reflux follow-up) and she is now 16 lbs 12 oz. She has gained almost 1 1/2 lbs in three weeks! She seriously needs to quit growing up so fast! I love her to pieces. She can now push her chest up when she is on her tummy, which we have worried about her developing arm muscles since we really can't give her tummy time due to reflux and her torticollis (or crooked head as we call it) affects things too. She is right on schedule though! She is very playful, she just laughs and giggles all the time. Sometimes I look at her and it just hurts thinking about how much I love her. If only I could bottle each day and revisit it. Like today, she was blowing spit bubbles in her highchair while I put the groceries away. She had a blast! Here is a video, but she had tired out a bit (she had been doing it for half an hour already.)

Too cute! Well, I better get back to laundry, she spit up the nasty formula! But first, here are some pictures!

Emilie sometimes starts to wake up too early into her nap, so we usually just pat her and she goes back to sleep. This time she woke up over and over, so Nathan put her animals on her to simulate his hand on her. It worked!

Here is Little Em trying very hard to push up. It is hard work to lift those chubby cheeks you know! She really looks like my brother Michael in this picture.
She is losing all her hair! :"(


Unknown said...

Yea rah for Little Em! I'm so happy she is using her arm muscles. She is getting stronger by the day. I love the video of her in the highchair. She is so happy and so smiley!!! Love you all. Mom Call

Holly said...

wow! she is growing so fast!! See Kassie, you are a natural blogger :) you are great a posting. I wish we could see you guys! I missed having you next door all the time :) Lets see some pictures of you and Nathan!

Jenn said...

She is so cute! I can't believe how big she has gotten. I have a blog too. you can keep up with us on that too.

Ryan and Tracy said...

Thanks for the suggestion on the formula - that was always the thing that she threw up with first. Your Em is getting so big! I love the slideshow pictures - especially the one with her and Nathan wearing hats. So cute. Would love to see some of you too. Hope things work with the Body Talk or NAET treatments. Let me know!