Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Why we Love Baby Einstein

Emilie usually hates the car, but not today! She LOVES Baby Einstein toys (Nathan calls the videos babycrack), so we bought this in hopes of making car rides a little more fun for her. Sure enough, no crying! We aren't trying to drive across the country or anything yet, but a trip to Target would be nice! Here are some pictures from around the house!

Hanging out with Mom, eating her sunshine.

Playing XBOX 360 with Dad. For some reason she is never dressed when we take pictures!

I take too many pictures of her sleeping, I know.

Mother Theresa and Emilie, undressed of course. Don't Ask.

She woke up super happy from her nap, probably because she "escaped" from her swaddle.

These were my favorite PJ's of my nephews. I can't believe they fit her already!

Yes, another Baby Einstein Toy. She loves them!

She looks like she's going right to sleep, right?

I think we have a future gamer on our hands. I guess she had to get something from Nathan!


Unknown said...

Hey, whatever it takes. Babycrack, swaddling (or unswaddling), anything to keep her happy! Give her hugs from her Gamma! Love you!

Holly said...

Kassie, my long lost friend, hehe. I love that you keep your blog updated all the time. I felt like I was the only one who loved to post new things constantly. I guess I love that our family and friends are able to visit our site even though we are far away. Love the pictures of Nathan, emily def has the gaming look down like nathan does. We want to see pictures of you too! :) Is guitar hero a new purchase?? Have you played yet?? hehe looks like fun. we got DDR and would have loved the chance to play w/ you guys. Anyways, love the pictures and cant believe how BIG emily has gotten, she is growing so fast!!

Holly said...

I left a comment on my blog in regards to your post on my blog. I wanted to let you know, so you can read it.